Andrew's Address

Elder Andrew Reay
2250 Meadow Glade Ln.
Apt. 1
Memphis, TN 38134

Elder Andrew Reay
Arkansas Little Rock Mission
905 Kierre Drive
North Little Rock, AR 72216-3709

Monday, February 16, 2015

Pioneerin' It

Man, so let me just start with the fact that it's white outside! We got about 2 inches of snow and sleet last night, which came together to make a lovely mix of hard snow and ice. That means we are not able to use the car at all, by order of President Wakolo. However, he said nothing about walking. So, we hiked a few miles in the snow and here we are! Y'all are lucky I love you guys. :P

So this week was pretty good! Tuesday was another district meeting, and then I went off on exchanges with Elder Hooker (yes that is his name. Stop laughing. :P) in Pocahontas. It was a pretty good day. Elder Hooker is super funny. It's his first transfer, and he loves the mission! 

Wednesday we went back to Jonesboro just in time to go out teaching with D! He wanted to have the "average mission experience" so we took him out knocking on some doors for a bit. He did super well, and he got along with everyone we talked to. Then we went and had dinner, found my keys (I lost them the week before)  and then went to ward council.

Thursday we went to try out some new areas. The problem was that it was so cold outside that nobody opened the door. But then we went to a less active family and it was great! the kids have been coming to church, but the mom works graveyard shifts so she has a bit of trouble coming. The kids are great though. One of the daughters, L, just had her interview with the bishop to get her Faith In God award, and she was bouncing all over the place with excitement. Then we went to try and see D, but he was sick and sleeping. Then we played basketball again, with a whole new set of nonmembers there! It was super fun, and it's always a workout.

Friday we had planned to go help out Brother R. clean out some storage units at the college, but he canceled last minute. So we kind of scrambled for a plan and ended up going through a list of former investigators to see if anyone was still interested. No dice there, but that's why they stopped looking into the church in the first place. However, we did talk to a guy we met a while before, Matt, who we thought had moved. He was still there, and really wanting to learn from us! So we talked  until his kids got crazy and he had to go watch them. Then we went and had dinner with the Rs. Since one of the elders here has Crohn's disease, he has a VERY specific diet. that makes all of our food extremely healthy. And Sister R. can cook something fierce! It was super good.

Valentine's Day was our big day. We had about all of our investigators planned, and we were psyched. First, we went and helped an older couple clean the church, since no one in their group could come, and then they took us out to breakfast. Then we went everywhere and anywhere. We didn't actually teach more than 2 actual lessons, but we arranged a lot of rides and stuff for church!

Sunday was cold. When we woke up, it was 18 degrees to begin with. Add 30 mph winds and then you have the reason that not many people came to church. Two less active families did though! Then after church, we found an awesome family. It was a tiny apartment, but there were at least 10 people there. All of them wanted us to come back, and two of them were especially excited to come to church this Sunday! Then we went to the Ms, a part member family, and talked about getting their daughter baptized. And then it started icing over, and we had to go in. 

Well, that was the week! Once we thaw out we should be able to start working again. Talk to you next week! OH and Happy Valentines Day, I LOVE YOU GUYS A LOT!!!

Llamado a Servir,
Andrew Reay

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