Andrew's Address

Elder Andrew Reay
2250 Meadow Glade Ln.
Apt. 1
Memphis, TN 38134

Elder Andrew Reay
Arkansas Little Rock Mission
905 Kierre Drive
North Little Rock, AR 72216-3709

Monday, June 8, 2015

Missionary Work in the Digital Age... Weird stuff.

Hello everyone! It's been another nutso week down here in Arkansas! A lot of random stuff happened and it all turned out amazing! 
On Tuesday we went to the English classes again, only to find out that the students from Mexico were still flying in, and wouldn't get there until that night, when they'd have a "fiesta" for them. Either way, we met T, a girl from Japan here to study communications to work for a news station. She's pretty funny. Anyway then we went and saw D for a bit, tried some other people, and went to the welcome party. It was fun! A lot of the ESL students were there, and we got to meet the Mexicans. They all are very friendly and excited to be here! 
Wednesday was the big day!! We drove down to Searcy and had a good meeting. And got our Ipads!!! The digital age has officially begun! I have to admit, it's taking a little getting used to. I mean, for those of you who remember me before the mission, I didn't even have a cell phone. So naturally I'm still in the "how do I tablet" phase. I can really see how good this will be, though! If I can make a plug for one app in particular, it's called LDS Pamphlets. If any of you are familiar with our teaching stuff, we use pamphlets a LOT in our teaching. It's an easy way to give out a summary of what we believe, etc. Anyway, now there's an app for that! It's free, and it's really cool and interactive and stuff. It's also free. So if you've ever wanted to get the Reader's Digest version of what we believe, download it! 
ok, so anyway, back to the week. That night we went to Q's house to get the baptismal service prepped up.  Thursday we went to conversations class again, which went well. It was super hot outside so we were grateful for the A.C.! After that, we went to get the oil changed on the car. That took a while, but considering we didn't want our car to die it was worth it. Then we had dinner with the Rs again, which was delicious as usual. 
Friday we had to get everything ready for the baptism! We got the program all set, got refreshments, stressed out (maybe that was just me) and basically scrambled. We did get to drop by and see some people though! D is still going strong, but couldn't come to church due to a doctor's appointment. T has been working a TON, and then she went on vacation, so we haven't seen her in a week or so. 
Saturday was the baptism! Through a lot of craziness, like Q's ride to the church dropping out, the font filling really fast with cold water, and a lot of other stuff, but in the end it was an amazing experience! I attached a picture. 
Sunday Q got confirmed, and it was great! Then we went out with a member to go visit some people, but couldn't really get anyone at home. Then we went to the Ss' for dinner, which was delicious and Latino. Then, we went to visit some people who turned out to not be home, so we went across the street to talk to a Hispanic lady outside. After talking with her for a bit, her godfather came out, who happened to be a Catholic deacon. I'm really glad that I have a Hispanic companion, he is a lot less awkward talking with everyone. It turned out to be a very good discussion! Then we went over to the Bs, and ended up helping their daughter build her gardening table, since the mom wasn't able to let us in at the moment. 
And that was our week! Today started of great! And by great I mean... not so great... On the way here to do email... we kinda.... got into a little fender bender. Not our fault. Some guy was trying to back up on a road (no idea why) and didn't see us, so he rammed into us while we were turning. No one was hurt or anything, but the car got pretty banged up! It's still driveable though, so we will use it up until we can get an appointment with the body shop. Great start to the week! 
Anyhoo, hope to hear from you guys! Write a letter, we missionaries LOVE those! 

The Entire Spanish Speaking Zone of the ALRM

Rescued Kitten - Now  at the Shelter

Q-s Baptism!!!

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